Donald MacDonald Millar Photograph Collection

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Donald MacDonald Millar Photograph Collection


Millar, Donald MacDonald (1884-1973)
Williamsburg (Va.) - Photographs
Williamsburg (Va.) - Buildings, structures, etc.
Architecture, Domestic - Virginia - Williamsburg
Outbuildings - Virginia - Williamsburg


A pioneer in the fledgling field of architectural history in America, Donald MacDonald Millar contributed his expertise to some of the earliest research and planning for Williamsburg’s restoration in the late 1920s. He received his training in his hometown of Nashville, Tennessee, where he worked for a firm of architects. As one of the founding members of the Society for the Preservation of New England Antiquities, he became interested in recording the measurements and architectural details of colonial structures and published two books, Measured Drawings of Some Colonial and Georgian Homes (1916) and Measured Drawings of Some Colonial Furniture (1925), as well as articles in the Architectural Record and the Pennsylvania Museum Bulletin.

A call to the ministry led Millar to the Theological Seminary in New York City and he became an Episcopal clergyman. His acquaintance with Dr. W.A.R. Goodwin, another Episcopal minister with a keen interest in historic architecture, and William Graves Perry, a partner in the firm Perry, Shaw and Hepburn, brought him to the attention of Colonel Arthur Woods, who sent him an invitation on May 28, 1928 to “…do research work in England and France for the Williamsburg project.” Millar received a six month leave of absence from his position as assistant to Rev. Frederick Burgess of St. Matthew’s and St. Timothy’s churches in New York City to undertake the assignment. With the help of several assistants, he traveled through the two countries to gather information about the types of building materials that would have been available to colonial Virginians and to record architectural precedents to assist in the reconstruction of Williamsburg buildings. His investigations contributed to the discovery of the Bodleian copperplate whose engraved illustrations of the Governor’s Palace, Capitol, Wren Building, President’s House, and Brafferton Building provided critical visual evidence for their accurate restoration.


Millar, Donald MacDonald




10 photographs

Collection Items

Millar, Donald MacDonald 1924

Millar, Donald MacDonald 1924

Millar, Donald MacDonald 1924

Millar, Donald MacDonald 1924

Millar, Donald MacDonald 1924

Millar, Donald MacDonald 1924

Millar, Donald MacDonald 1924

Millar, Donald MacDonald 1924

Millar, Donald MacDonald 1919
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