Adam Cuningham letter to William Cuningham, 1736 March 23
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Dear Sir
Last Sunday I came to this place, after a
tedious Journey of ten days from London, I was oblidged to
stay one day in York waiting for the Newcastle Coach & now
I am come here they don't expect the Edinborough Coach these
eight days, so that I am quite runn out of money, being oblidged
before I left London to part with two Guineas, of the overplus
that was left after the Coach was payed for, which Mr. Straton
can testify; Dr. Sir I begg of you lett me hear from you by the
very first post, and direct for me att Mrs. Cleughs in ye Flesh-
Markett ; I must likeways entreat you Sir that since I must
come to Scotland that neither, Mother, Brother, or Sister or
in short any Friend or Relation whatever, may know of
my coming, but if you please (which I think would be both
for your honour & my safety) I may be transported from Port
Glasgow to some of the forreign Plantations where I may pass
the remainder of my days in a Sincere repentance for my
former folly. If you please to appoint any place where I ma
please turn over
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may have the honour to wait on you when I come to Edr.
you shall have very good reasons for my making this proposal, I
hope Sir you will be so good if it is possible to lett me have
a little money, for I do assure you Sir I managed what litle
I had to the very best advantage; it is true I mought have
saved a little money had their been more passengers in the
Coach, but as their was none but a Young Lady & I, it was
more expensive, & I spunn out my money as finely as I
could to the last farthing; God Almighty preserve you Sir
I am your Affect. Son in all Sincerity
Adam Cuninghame
Newcastle upon Tine
March 23d
Address leaf
Sir William Cuninghame of Caprington Barrt.
at his Lodgings in the Lawn Markett