Deed of manumission for Josiah Cathon's enslaved persons, 1793 February 2
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I Josiah West Cathon of the County of Southampton
Virginia being fully persuaded that freedom is the
natural right of all Mankind; and that it is my duty
to do unto others as I would desire to be done by, in the
like situation, and having under my care three Negroes
whome I have heretofore held as Slaves, of the following
names and Ages (vizt.) Will about forty five years
Selah about Twenty and Pleasant about Eighteen
years. I hereby Emancipate and set free all and
every the above named Slaves; And do for my self my
heirs Executors and Administrators relinquish all
my right Title Interest and claim or pretension
of claim whatsoever either to their Persons or any
estate they may hereafter Acquire.
And having also two now in their minority (vizt)
Phereby fifteen Pat Eleven Years, each of which I also
hereby Emancipate and set free; yet I believe it right for
me to act as Guardian over them untill they arrive to
the age of Eighteen Years; And I do for my self my heirs
Executors and Administrators relinquish all my right
Title Interest and claim or pretensions of claim whatso
=ever either to their persons or any estate they may Ac
=quire after they shall attain to the ages aboves'd, which will
be at the following times; Phereby 1st 8th Month 1796 Pat
1st of 2nd Month 1799. All the abovesaid Negroes and their
Posterity to enjoy their full freedom without any interrup
=tion from me or any person claiming for by or under
me In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand
and Seal this 2nd day of February 1793
Josiah W. Cathon Seal
Signed sealed and Delivered
in presance
Jesse Vick
Lemuel Eley John Rawls
Josiah West Cathon's eman
cipation of sundry slaves
Septbr. 1793.
Page 13
At a Court held for the County of S.ton the 12 day of Septr. 1793 held for the This
Manumission This deed for the emancipation of the within named
nam'd Sundry Slaves [crossed out, illegible] proved by the solemn affirmation of Lemuel Eley & John Rawls
being people call'd Quakers, & Ordered to be recorded.
S Kello